
Wilmington NC to Charlotte NC (Travel Distance)

Wilmington NC to Charlotte NC

Wilmington NC to  Charlotte NC are both cities in North Carolina United State. Wilmington is a city in North Carolina that is situated on the Cape Fear River. Wilmington, which is the largest city in New Hanover County and the ninth-largest city in all of North Carolina, is situated just south of Raleigh, the state capital.


Charlotte, NC is the second-largest metropolis in the Southeast and the biggest city in the Carolinas. The  city is well-known historic buildings and thriving cultural environment.

The distance, miles, and kilometers as well as the travel time between Wilmington NC to Charlotte NC, with different traveling route  are estimated below.


There are for major ways to get from Wilmington NC to Charlotte NC

1 Driving

Wilmington NC to Charlotte NCDriving is one of the common ways to travel from Wilmington NC to Charlotte NC. The total driving distance between the two cities is 204 miles (328 kilometers).

The total time the trip is estimated to cost traveler 3 hours, 29 minutes of a nonstop drive. The journey begins in Wilmington and ends at Charlotte NC.


2 Taxi

Wilmington NC to Charlotte NCThe calculation for a trip in a taxi from Wilmington NC to Charlotte NC is very similar to that for a drive in a car. The total taxi distance between the two cities with taxi is 198 miles (317 kilometers).


The total time the trip is estimated to cost traveler with taxi is 3 hours, 4 minutes. The trip starts at Wilmington and ends at Charlotte NC.


3 Flight

Wilmington NC to Charlotte NCFlight is the fastest way to travel from Wilmington NC to Charlotte NC. the total flight distance to travel between the two cities is 185 miles (297 kilometers).

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The total time the trip is estimated to cost traveler traveling with flight is 54 minutes. The trip starts at Wilmington and ends in Charlottes NC.


4 Bus

Wilmington NC to Charlotte NCBus trip is the cheapest way to travel from Wilmington to Charlotte NC. The total distance to travel between the two cities with Bus is 264 miles (424 kilometers).

The total time the trip is estimated to cost traveler traveling with Bus is 8 hours 7 minutes (the said time is affected by shifting and traffics). The trip starts at Wilmington NC and ends in Charlotte NC.


 Frequent Asked Questions About Wilmington to Charlotte NC


Can I travel from Wilmington, NC to Charlotte, NC?
Travel within the US is currently permitted.


What travel restrictions apply in Charlotte?
Face masks are required.
There is a 2 meter social distance minimum.


How far is it between Charlotte and Wilmington?
287 kilometers separate Wilmington from Charlotte. The distance over road is 317 kilometers.


How far does it take to drive from Wilmington to Charlotte?
Wilmington NC and Charlotte NC are separated by 204 miles of driving distance.


How far is Wilmington and Charlotte in a taxi?
The 198-mile drive  from Wilmington, North Carolina, to Charlotte, North Carolina.


How far is it to flight from Wilmington to Charlotte?
It takes 185 miles to flight from Wilmington, North Carolina, to Charlotte, North Carolina.


How far is it via bus between Wilmington to Charlotte?
Bus travel from Wilmington NC to Charlotte NC is 264 miles.


What is the quickest route from Wilmington North Carolina to Charlotte North Carolina?
Flying is the quickest means of transportation between Wilmington to Charlotte.

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Without a car, how can I get from Wilmington North Carolina to Charlotte North Carolina?
Without a car, using the bus is the most effective method to travel from Wilmington to Charlotte.


What is the travel time between Wilmington and Charlotte?
Wilmington to Charlotte is reached in about 3 hours 30 minutes.


Where do I board the bus going from Wilmington, NC to Charlotte, NC?
Greyhound USA’s bus services from Wilmington to Charlotte leave from the Wilmington station.


Where does the bus from Wilmington and Charlotte arrive?
Greyhound USA buses running between Wilmington and Charlotte arrive at Charlotte station.


What firms provide transportation between Wilmington, North Carolina, and Charlotte, North Carolina?
American Airlines and Greyhound USA are the providers of transportation between Wilmington, North Carolina, and Charlotte, North Carolina.



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